Chambre d'hôtes Là-haut sur la Colline - Marcigny
15 Rue des Maniguets 71110 MARCIGNY
In the heart of the Brionnais, a haven of peace nestled on the hill. In a residential area of a town of around 2000 inhabitants, we offer a comfortable room with a 160cm double bed, shower room and toilet. Summer kitchen, plancha, barbecue. Private terrace and access to the swimming pool.
Chambre d'hôtes Là-haut sur la Colline - Marcigny
Rooms and Equipment:
including bed(s) for 2 pers.: 1
- Hair dryer
- Towels drier
- Private WC
- Plancha
- Oven
- Microwave oven
- Fridge
- Terrace
- TV
- Wifi
- Private washing machine
- Shared clothes dryer
- Private clothes dryer
- Heating
- Shelter for bike
- Barbecue
- Yard
- Garden
- Closed ground
swimming pool access 7-8pm. depending on availabilit.
Information on the establishment
- Nearby owner
- Into house
- Separate entrance
Free parking space, enclosed space.
- Internet access
- Parking
- Private parking
- Summer Kitchen
- Private pool
- Outdoor pool
The swimming pool is treated with chlorine and heated with a thermal cover. Private access.
General terms and conditions of rental
For arrivals in complete autonomy, secure key box.
- English
- French
- Payment cards
- Bank and post-office checks
- Cash
Discovery of our terroir with a Brunch made up of regional, seasonal products.
Craftsmen, breeders and local producers.
Homemade preparations.
We follow a strict cleaning protocol. The contact areas are then disinfected with household alcohol.
We do our best to meet current requirements and allow you to have a pleasant stay.
We apply a vacation of 24 hours between each rental.
Hydroalcoholic lotion and masks available.
- Bel linen and / or towels included
- Baby bed
Umbrella bed and changing table provided free of charge.